Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

So today is the 9th of October, 2007. The weekend was uneventful other than about a half dozen mortar attacks. We didn't go to bunkers for any of the attacks so that was good. On Saturdays we've been doing an unofficial bbq at about 6 PM. This last weekend at about 6:15 we're standing around the grill when a big boom goes off. You could see everybody anxiously wait for 'CODE RED' to come across the loudspeakers but it never happens so we go back to goofing off at the bbq (as we're offically on the clock till 7 PM.) This was probably the last bbq though. Even in Iraq, summer is over, the shadows are long and it barely makes it past 100 degrees by noon. Anyway, I'm still running at lunch (as it's only 'barely 100' now) and here are a few pics. I need the hat otherwise I'll get sunburned on top. I need the ipod as it's boring to run without music. And I need the sunglasses to well...look cool (lol). I've been working on my abs and they're barely there but with some effort, well...we'll see. Back home in Seattle it's maybe 50, rainy and dark. I-rak ain't so bad right now...


  • At 12:39 AM, Blogger Bernie said…

    Looking mighty buff there, dude. You're gonna be the in the running for Mr. Muscle Cub in next years Pride Parade in Seattle... ;)


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