030808 Guns, guns, guns!
Sadaam had guns, lots of them. The gold plated AK-47 'supposidly' was Sadaam's but who really knows. The small one is a derringer and the long rifle is a WWI German Mauser. And the pic where I look like a lunatic is an AK-47 as well. Most of these weapons were just shipped to a museum in the US at Rock Island.

Sadaam had guns, lots of them. The gold plated AK-47 'supposidly' was Sadaam's but who really knows. The small one is a derringer and the long rifle is a WWI German Mauser. And the pic where I look like a lunatic is an AK-47 as well. Most of these weapons were just shipped to a museum in the US at Rock Island.
At 2:51 AM,
Bernie said…
You look like a real bad ass... ;)
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