Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

16 Nov Questions

16 Nov Questions

Q- In the photo of the tents, what is the concrete block in the center with the red cross painted on it?

Answer - Just about every base in Iraq experiences some incoming mortar rounds every now and then. Irbil get VERY little (the north is Kurd land and frankly peaceful. Kurds are also not Arab but are Muslim. Balad (in Suni/Shia territory) gets much more incoming. The concrete block is a concrete bunker where people can take refuge should there be incoming.

Q- Why are the showers and toilets called Caddilacs? What are they like? Gold plated or something?

Answer - Why call them Cadillacs??? I don't know. They are important though as having a clean place to use the toilet and take a shower can certainly make all the difference in the world when you're Iraq...for a year...or so.



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