020608 It smells like Spring in Iraq
Today it really, finally smells like spring in Iraq. Or in other words, it was a nice summer day for Seattle! Frankly it's really nice and while it will only get warmer and warmer until it's ridiculously hot as hell...it's a nice change for now. Below is a pic of the hooches (places where one lives). Also there are lights being installed around the housing area to lower the risk and number of assaults. Yes when you get lots of soldiers together in an overseas base with a 20-1 Male to Female ratio, assaults do happen. And not always M-F too. Also my neighbor came back from emergency leave and turned on the heater in his hooch and it promptly caught fire and burned. The smoke damage condemned his hooch and he probably out all the material stuff in his hooch. But riding my bike home it still smells like spring in Iraq.

Today it really, finally smells like spring in Iraq. Or in other words, it was a nice summer day for Seattle! Frankly it's really nice and while it will only get warmer and warmer until it's ridiculously hot as hell...it's a nice change for now. Below is a pic of the hooches (places where one lives). Also there are lights being installed around the housing area to lower the risk and number of assaults. Yes when you get lots of soldiers together in an overseas base with a 20-1 Male to Female ratio, assaults do happen. And not always M-F too. Also my neighbor came back from emergency leave and turned on the heater in his hooch and it promptly caught fire and burned. The smoke damage condemned his hooch and he probably out all the material stuff in his hooch. But riding my bike home it still smells like spring in Iraq.
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