012808 Water rationing and a lawn in hell.
We're still on water rations and things are getting worse. We may soon go to 'Phase II' water rations. This means:Two showers per week (with shower sentries) Tuesday and Friday 0500 – 0800 & 1900 – 2200 Port a Johns Only Tues & Fri Laundry 3 Kg Limit Water Distribution No Ice distribution So this will REALLY SUCK. Eh, part of life in a war zone.
Also the Sergeant Major here has decided that we need a lawn out front. This sorta reminds me of those MASH episodes where they would have a 'putting green' in a combat zone. WTH (why the heck) would anyone want a lawn in of all places, Iraq?! While it would be nice to have, a lawn consumes copious amount of water and is it really a good use of the taxpayer's money??? Well, we'll probably have a lawn and below is a 'before' pic of said future lawn.
Also below are two pics of the gnomes we're thinking of buying for said lawn. Anyone have any pink flamingos they want to contribute???

We're still on water rations and things are getting worse. We may soon go to 'Phase II' water rations. This means:Two showers per week (with shower sentries) Tuesday and Friday 0500 – 0800 & 1900 – 2200 Port a Johns Only Tues & Fri Laundry 3 Kg Limit Water Distribution No Ice distribution So this will REALLY SUCK. Eh, part of life in a war zone.
Also the Sergeant Major here has decided that we need a lawn out front. This sorta reminds me of those MASH episodes where they would have a 'putting green' in a combat zone. WTH (why the heck) would anyone want a lawn in of all places, Iraq?! While it would be nice to have, a lawn consumes copious amount of water and is it really a good use of the taxpayer's money??? Well, we'll probably have a lawn and below is a 'before' pic of said future lawn.
Also below are two pics of the gnomes we're thinking of buying for said lawn. Anyone have any pink flamingos they want to contribute???
At 7:49 AM,
Bernie said…
I'll send you a pink flamingo... got lots of 'em here in Florida. Howzabout one of those silver or metallic blue balls on a stand that some folks seem to think look wonderful on their lawns?
At 12:37 AM,
Unknown said…
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At 12:39 AM,
Unknown said…
The gnome takin a dump is AWESOME! lol We have lots of lawn crap here in Texas.. one trip to the market and i"ll have you a boat load of crap.
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