The weekends here can be pretty boring like today. And since my boss (his name is Don) is on his R&R (rest and relaxation vacation) that means I'm on my 'Don-cation'! Actually we're all on doncation for a few more days. Another co-worker travels alot for his job and he recently went to Baghdad and below are a few recent pics. He actually went to Camp Victory, which was a hunting compound that Sadaam used as his own provate game reserve. It's only about 4-5 miles away from the center of Baghdad itself. There are also a few of his palaces there the biggest being the Grand Place which is now the Coalition Headquarters and a smaller one, the Perfum Palace when he kept his concubines is somewhat an office building and museum now. The Throne Room in the Perfum Palace is a Green Beans coffee shop. Go figure huh?
Anyway, here are some pics.

The weekends here can be pretty boring like today. And since my boss (his name is Don) is on his R&R (rest and relaxation vacation) that means I'm on my 'Don-cation'! Actually we're all on doncation for a few more days. Another co-worker travels alot for his job and he recently went to Baghdad and below are a few recent pics. He actually went to Camp Victory, which was a hunting compound that Sadaam used as his own provate game reserve. It's only about 4-5 miles away from the center of Baghdad itself. There are also a few of his palaces there the biggest being the Grand Place which is now the Coalition Headquarters and a smaller one, the Perfum Palace when he kept his concubines is somewhat an office building and museum now. The Throne Room in the Perfum Palace is a Green Beans coffee shop. Go figure huh?
Anyway, here are some pics.

At 9:13 PM,
Clairbear said…
Hey Chris, Hope you are keeping well. Always interested in keeping up with your adventure.
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