Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The weekends here can be pretty boring like today. And since my boss (his name is Don) is on his R&R (rest and relaxation vacation) that means I'm on my 'Don-cation'! Actually we're all on doncation for a few more days. Another co-worker travels alot for his job and he recently went to Baghdad and below are a few recent pics. He actually went to Camp Victory, which was a hunting compound that Sadaam used as his own provate game reserve. It's only about 4-5 miles away from the center of Baghdad itself. There are also a few of his palaces there the biggest being the Grand Place which is now the Coalition Headquarters and a smaller one, the Perfum Palace when he kept his concubines is somewhat an office building and museum now. The Throne Room in the Perfum Palace is a Green Beans coffee shop. Go figure huh?
Anyway, here are some pics.


  • At 9:13 PM, Blogger Clairbear said…

    Hey Chris, Hope you are keeping well. Always interested in keeping up with your adventure.


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