I do get care packages every now and then and sometimes I'm 'forced' to do some blatent advertising (like below.) ANYTHING I get in the mail is GREAT! Last spring someone sent me a large dark chocolate bar (the best) but she failed to realize how hot it can be during the air transport. Well, by the time I got it, it wasn't just melted but the chocolate oils had evaported away and all that was left was a powderdy chocolate mess (that wasn't tasty at all).

Here's a new street sign that just popped up on base. You'd thing that being in a war zone (well, technically hazzardous duty area) that the Army would have better things to do than worry about bikes riding on the sidewalks. But I guess they do not! Why don't they just put my NAME at the top of the damn sign!!
At 12:40 AM,
Bernie said…
I'm a lousy friend. I just realized the last (and so far ONLY care package) I've sent was about a year ago. I remember cuz I packed a bunch of Halloween stuff in there. And I owe you some songs (from last month's email). Will get going on those....
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