Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Monday, April 28, 2008

28 April 08 Dust storm gone, the Tobey Keith concert is on.

28 April 08 Dust storm gone, the Tobey Keith concert is on.

Today the dust has somewhat subdued. I really do not like the dust
storms because the storm provides
cover to those who fire mortar rounds at us and right on que, we got
hit last night. There were no big
explosions where I was but the 'incoming' siren went off and since I
was on my way 'home' (to the hooch) I
just kept riding my bike hoping it wasn't my 'time' yet. The dust is
also simply not good for ones
health. Just think of crap and other stuff that is on the ground that
is now blowing around. Fortunately
(again) I don't think I caught anything. Coming to Iraq one gets a
bunch of shots and I know from talking
to medical personnel that the Tigrus river tests positive for typhoid,
diptheria and all sorts of bad
stuff. When I'm back in the states I'm ineligible as a blood doner
based on where I've been in the last
12 months. But being 'over' here I now CAN give blood. Crazy huh?
The Tobey Keith concert (a big USO concert) was also supposed to take
place last night but because of the
dust its been postponed until tonight. It'll be a good show but
there'll be no/minimal lights. (For
obvious reasons.) The show starts at 8 PM and I'll listen to it
outside the stadium....while over at the
gym....with my headphones on....playing 'good' music LOUDLY! LOL
anyway, below are few pics of what the
'stadium' looks like. The pics are from the USO christmas show and
though you can't tell, Robin Williams
is on the stage behind Santa. And if you look closely, Santa is packing.


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