061609 How hot is it? It's too hot to leave a light on!
begins to 'hurt' when standing in the sun then that's hot.
Regardless, it's still hot. The usual policy here is to keep one's
porch light on during the night for others to see while walking etc.
But now we're told to turn off all lights inside and outside our CHU
(containerized Housing Unit - aka 'hooch') because stuff is cracking
and or/melting. The following is notice from housing here.
"Please turn off all lights inside and outside of your living quarters
when not in use. Due to extreme temperature and the heat index being
very high through-out the day, we have had some minor incidents of
where the outside lights of a CHU get too hot and crack the glass
casing, as well as the bathroom heating element on the water tank gets
too hot and explodes, so please if you are not utilizing the lights
inside or outside your living quarters, turn them off."
Also, people want to know what we do here and the answer is all sorts
of stuff. Above are some general pics of life here at Balad from the
shared drive I found.
At 6:49 PM,
Bernie said…
So how hot are we talking about over in the summer?
In Fahrenheit... because we'll be doing mid 90s and maybe top out at around 100 a fews in the summer. But we've also got that humidity...
What kind of temps are you dealing with over there?
"but its a DRY heat..."
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