Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Sunday, September 27, 2009

092609 Rain and 'getting away'

092609 Rain and 'getting away'

It rained here at Balad Iraq for the second time of this season.  There are two seasons in tropics/sub tropic latitudes.  They are the wet season and the dry season.  There really is no spring, summer, fall or winter.  It's either blazing hot and dry or cool and wet (and muddy) here in Iraq.  Also as a contractor or frankly anyone it can be very difficult to 'get away' here.  I have my own hooch (living space) but I share a common bath/shower/toilet.  If you're a new contractor here you can count on being in a SEAhut for at least six months IF can get a hooch.  A SEAhut (basically a big bunk space with 20-30 bunk beds)
The bunkers can be a good place to 'get away' if only for a bit.  Here I can chill and grab a smoke (which I do very rarely). 


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