Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Monday, March 15, 2010

15MAR19 Pics and stuff

15MAR19 Pics and stuff

In two weeks the outdoor pool opens up for the summer. (for a pic see The temps will probably hit
100 this week or next too. Today it is very nice out there and the
evenings still cool down to where you don't need or want a coat any
more. Basically, it's just right. In the north near Mosul it may
rain again before summer but there'll probably be no rain here. In
the south near Tallil, I'm sure the temps are already hitting 100 and
over. As places go in Iraq, Balad is pretty nice. I've had to live
in tent for many months while at Tallil and certainly have had to take
'water bottle showers' when there has been no water here at Balad.
The conditions that solders and contractors have are pretty much the
same. In the housing area where I live it's about a 50/50 mix of
mil/civ. And 90% of the mil in my house block are reserves so that
makes it even easier. The 'hard core' Active Duty mil (Special Forces,
etc) generally have their own housing area and don't mix well with civ
or even the reserves. I try to post a mix of pics and comment on this
blog but am really sure if I have the right balance yet. For more
pics of Balad/Iraq you can visit the following link. There's lot of
stuff there but it is somewhat 'sanitized'.
As a contractor I can only relate what I've seen and experienced. It
is certainly not all-inclusive and my pics can be pretty bad at times.
Eh, overall, it is what it is.



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