The following are answers to questions from the guy who bought my car. I've owned about a dozen cars in my life and the best car I had was this 78 280Z. I bought the car when it was 12 years old for $4,000. I had the car for about 15 years and sold it only recently (with a part of my soul) for $2,000.

Greg, yes, I though I mentioned the low-beam corrosion problem. It sounds like you fixed it and my apologies if it put you through too much effort. I'll try to find any parts for you when I'm in Seattle in October.
Greg - "I have mixed>feelings about the war and Bush, but those mixed feeling will never>discount the respect and admiration I have for each person who is>willing to personally sacrifice for the good of the whole. I support>you."
Chris - I have mixed feelings as well and while some bad stuff happens there is a lot of good stuff that happens here as well. I honestly believe that if a bonafide democracy can be created in the heart of the middle east it will go a long ways toward establishing some stability in this region. I strongly suspect that Iraq will be the 'West Germany' to China's Iran (East Germany.) Then economic engines of the West and East will rely upon this energy source. For me, it's been an adventure as well as some job.
Greg - ">On the lighter side of things- that sucks that you lost The Daily Show>and The Colbert Report. I like my tv and I wouldn't want anyone editing>it for me. I'm sure you feel the same way."
Chris - Dang tootin it sucks that they moved The Daily Show and Colbert times around! My strong suspicion is that these shows didn't support the Army/military as much as they wanted so they were replaced with a show called 'Raven.' Never seen Raven? There's a good reason why, it sucks.
Greg - ">The camel spiders intrigue me. Have you heard of anyone getting bit?>They look scary as hell."
Chris - The camel spiders are really something and they exist in the SW United States but never get more than an inch or so there. Here they get 6-7 inches and bigger. They are just big, dang scary, aggressive insects. They's still no match for the bottom of one's foot IF you can catch one. And yes, there was a Major that got bitten last year on the head and had a big welt. They're not poisonous but they can carry some nasty bacteria.
Greg - ">When do you think you'll be coming back to Seattle (or another city>perhaps)? Have you met people in Iraq that you will keep in touch with>when you get back? Will you enter the workforce soon after returning do>you have other plans?"
Chris - I'm visiting Orlando, Seattle and Amsterdam in October. I've made some good connections while here and I think that is what part of life is about. I now have a few good Bosnian and Croation friends who have invited me to visit. I'm not sure what I'll do when I eventually return. I'm just not planning that far. We'll see how things go but if surely be out of a job if peace breaks out (Fat chance of that happening!)
Greg - ">What do people do for entertainment in Iraq? Does everyone have iPods>and computers? Do you trade DVD's and music with other people? What do>you miss the most from home?"
Chris - I'm on a military base as just about all westerners are here in Iraq so there are comforts from home. When I first got here they didn't have any medium underwear not toothpaste for about 3 months at the PX. I had to come up with creative solutions but I survived. TV is AFN and loaded with 'good citizen' commercials (since the regular commercials are out.) There are computers and many soldiers, contractors as well as locals have satellite dishes to stream the TV and iternet media that is generally restriced by the Army and local government. There is a lively 'haji market' run by the locals that sell bootlegged DVDs (such as you'd find on the street of New York City, etc.) There is a gym and MWR center for xbox, books (donated ones) magazine, pool tables, etc. And of course there are 6,500 US soldiers and AF here on this base as well as Italians and Brits and Bosnians and Japanes, etc. That's quite a few people and it's about 10% female. So people being people if you look hard enough you can find something that you like... to do. There's a reason they sell condoms in the PX. What do I miss the most?? Good food, especially buttered toast! There is NO butter here.
ps. Yes, I'd love to see some renovation car pics and even visit the car when I do make it home.

Greg, yes, I though I mentioned the low-beam corrosion problem. It sounds like you fixed it and my apologies if it put you through too much effort. I'll try to find any parts for you when I'm in Seattle in October.
Greg - "I have mixed>feelings about the war and Bush, but those mixed feeling will never>discount the respect and admiration I have for each person who is>willing to personally sacrifice for the good of the whole. I support>you."
Chris - I have mixed feelings as well and while some bad stuff happens there is a lot of good stuff that happens here as well. I honestly believe that if a bonafide democracy can be created in the heart of the middle east it will go a long ways toward establishing some stability in this region. I strongly suspect that Iraq will be the 'West Germany' to China's Iran (East Germany.) Then economic engines of the West and East will rely upon this energy source. For me, it's been an adventure as well as some job.
Greg - ">On the lighter side of things- that sucks that you lost The Daily Show>and The Colbert Report. I like my tv and I wouldn't want anyone editing>it for me. I'm sure you feel the same way."
Chris - Dang tootin it sucks that they moved The Daily Show and Colbert times around! My strong suspicion is that these shows didn't support the Army/military as much as they wanted so they were replaced with a show called 'Raven.' Never seen Raven? There's a good reason why, it sucks.
Greg - ">The camel spiders intrigue me. Have you heard of anyone getting bit?>They look scary as hell."
Chris - The camel spiders are really something and they exist in the SW United States but never get more than an inch or so there. Here they get 6-7 inches and bigger. They are just big, dang scary, aggressive insects. They's still no match for the bottom of one's foot IF you can catch one. And yes, there was a Major that got bitten last year on the head and had a big welt. They're not poisonous but they can carry some nasty bacteria.
Greg - ">When do you think you'll be coming back to Seattle (or another city>perhaps)? Have you met people in Iraq that you will keep in touch with>when you get back? Will you enter the workforce soon after returning do>you have other plans?"
Chris - I'm visiting Orlando, Seattle and Amsterdam in October. I've made some good connections while here and I think that is what part of life is about. I now have a few good Bosnian and Croation friends who have invited me to visit. I'm not sure what I'll do when I eventually return. I'm just not planning that far. We'll see how things go but if surely be out of a job if peace breaks out (Fat chance of that happening!)
Greg - ">What do people do for entertainment in Iraq? Does everyone have iPods>and computers? Do you trade DVD's and music with other people? What do>you miss the most from home?"
Chris - I'm on a military base as just about all westerners are here in Iraq so there are comforts from home. When I first got here they didn't have any medium underwear not toothpaste for about 3 months at the PX. I had to come up with creative solutions but I survived. TV is AFN and loaded with 'good citizen' commercials (since the regular commercials are out.) There are computers and many soldiers, contractors as well as locals have satellite dishes to stream the TV and iternet media that is generally restriced by the Army and local government. There is a lively 'haji market' run by the locals that sell bootlegged DVDs (such as you'd find on the street of New York City, etc.) There is a gym and MWR center for xbox, books (donated ones) magazine, pool tables, etc. And of course there are 6,500 US soldiers and AF here on this base as well as Italians and Brits and Bosnians and Japanes, etc. That's quite a few people and it's about 10% female. So people being people if you look hard enough you can find something that you like... to do. There's a reason they sell condoms in the PX. What do I miss the most?? Good food, especially buttered toast! There is NO butter here.
ps. Yes, I'd love to see some renovation car pics and even visit the car when I do make it home.
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