It's almost that crazy time of year here again, Ramadan is coming! Or as I've been calling it, Ramadan-a-ding-dong! It's thirty days of pissed-off arabs during the days and hooping-hollering arabs at nights. Ramdan-a-ding-dong actually starts on 27 Sept. So I'll wait for a few more days and then write about that.
Anyway, we've now got T walls around the building where I work. The good news is that if a round lands outside the T walls, we're very safe. The bad news is that if a round lands inside the T walls, it'll still do bad stuff. It's all about statistics, since one does not aim mortars and rockets (except in a general vicinity.) I think the Army policy is actually referred to as 'contained destruction.'
Anyway, here's a pic of the 'fortress' now surrounded by 18 foot tall T walls. Now for a bit of trivial. How far does one have to 'tip/push at the top' an 18 foot tall T wall for it to fall over?

Much of the crew here is Indian, Pakistani and Turk. The get along on different levels. On an individual to individual level, most get along well with each other. When there's a group of them, they will then seem to assume a group mentality and Indians have a defined class system but as a whole, Indians seem to look down on Pakistanis. And as a whole, Indians and Pakistanis seem to look down on Turks, go figure. No again, on an individual level they get along and only in when in a group will the 'group mentality' take over.
Anyway, here's a pic of some worker who put up the T walls.

Oh, and if you 'tip' an 18 foot tall T wall only 4 inches at the top, that's enough to tip the thing over.
Anyway, we've now got T walls around the building where I work. The good news is that if a round lands outside the T walls, we're very safe. The bad news is that if a round lands inside the T walls, it'll still do bad stuff. It's all about statistics, since one does not aim mortars and rockets (except in a general vicinity.) I think the Army policy is actually referred to as 'contained destruction.'
Anyway, here's a pic of the 'fortress' now surrounded by 18 foot tall T walls. Now for a bit of trivial. How far does one have to 'tip/push at the top' an 18 foot tall T wall for it to fall over?

Much of the crew here is Indian, Pakistani and Turk. The get along on different levels. On an individual to individual level, most get along well with each other. When there's a group of them, they will then seem to assume a group mentality and Indians have a defined class system but as a whole, Indians seem to look down on Pakistanis. And as a whole, Indians and Pakistanis seem to look down on Turks, go figure. No again, on an individual level they get along and only in when in a group will the 'group mentality' take over.
Anyway, here's a pic of some worker who put up the T walls.

Oh, and if you 'tip' an 18 foot tall T wall only 4 inches at the top, that's enough to tip the thing over.
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