About three months ago a friend said he mailed my personal stuff from my previous camp. Well, about 4 days ago the boxes finally arrived. Checking the mailed date on the boxes, I can see that they were mailed only about three days before that. The personal stuff I have isn't really worth much but it would be hard to replace. One of the boxes had about a half dozen shirts that I bought that really liked. While we don't have an offical uniform here, we are somewhat expected to wear a shirt with a collar. So here is one of the shirts.

One thing you need while in the desert is water. Originally, water was shipped from Kuwait or even further where it can be expensive to purchase. Bottled water is now produced at a nearby based and shipped throughout the country. Pallets of water are everywhere and you just need to grab one if you want one. The locals will drink water right from the river but after talking to the water guy once it's not a good idea since the river water tests pretty high in e.coli.
One thing you need while in the desert is water. Originally, water was shipped from Kuwait or even further where it can be expensive to purchase. Bottled water is now produced at a nearby based and shipped throughout the country. Pallets of water are everywhere and you just need to grab one if you want one. The locals will drink water right from the river but after talking to the water guy once it's not a good idea since the river water tests pretty high in e.coli.
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