23 Dec 08 Garbage Pit and it's so cold I have to wear trousers and a lite jacket!
Recently in the news were the 'burn pits' of Iraq. There is very limited recycling at Balad and even that has only been implemented within the last six months or so. There are no landfills either. All of the garbage here is burned. It's that simple. The open burn pit is about a 'click' (kilometer) away and while I rarely smell it, you can always see the black smoke wafting into the blue sky. The link below mentions 'wild dogs roaming Balad Air Base with human body parts in their mouths.' I've been at Balad for almost two years now and have never seen a wild dog on base, ever. Franky I don't see how it's even possible since there is a chain link fence around the entire base. The article also mentions 'Iraqi crud' which most call 'Kuwaiti crud' since 99% of everyone will enter Iraq after first being in Kuwait (like I did). There is dust everywhere and you breath the dust, you get an infection and this is Kuwaiti crud. It's an infection that is gone in a few weeks. But read the article for yourself.
Also, it's 'winter' here now and I have to wear a lite jacket and grass can now grow. So I've posted a few pics below.
Also, it's 'winter' here now and I have to wear a lite jacket and grass can now grow. So I've posted a few pics below.
At 5:23 AM,
Ms. Missive said…
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At 5:24 AM,
Ms. Missive said…
When I was there(2005-2006), I saw dogs running around all the damn time (and a crap load of deformed and mangy looking cats too). Ironically enough, they paced the fence line most of the time. The fence isn't completely secure and there are several large, gaping holes along the perimeter where the dogs can come and go as they please. We used to feed the dogs all the time during guard tower duty. It wouldn't surprise me if they got a hold of an extra special "treat".
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