092709 Battalion Picnic
092709 Battalion Picnic
The new commander here at the 402nd is trying to install a bit of camaraderie so we had a picnic last night. As a contractor there is an 'us' vs 'them' attitude with the military (as I'm sure it is with them.) Some Army personnel may prefer that you use their rank when addressing some (First Sergeant Blow) while other might just prefer their first name (Joe). For some others they may prefer rank until you 'earned' the right to call them 'Joe'. Either way it can be an unfamiliar relationship until there is some degree of camaraderie (such as a picnic!)
We'll probably do this again in month or at least until the Commander see how much it costs to pay for this out of his budget!
Also, the woman in pink in the pics is Jamie Spears. Her cousin is Britney. Small world out there.
At 12:39 PM,
Bigdogwarwri said…
Another good story, thanks!
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