Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Monday, March 15, 2010

16MAR10 Rules...we meant to be broken...

16MAR10 Rules...we meant to be broken...

Living on an Army base overseas in a hazardous duty area comes with a
certain amount of rules. Some are just plain dumb but I do try to
follow...most of them. My pet peeve is riding bikes on the sidewalk.
It used to be a non-issue until some AF major (the base mayor at some
time past) thought it would be a good idea to
prohibit bikes on the sidewalk and make them share the road with 10
ton HUMMVs and MRAPs. The guy is probably long-gone now but his
'legacy signs' are still there.
Another pet peeve is wearing headphones in non-designated areas.
Basically the whole damn base is a non-designated area (evidently)
except for in one's hooch, the gym and work areas. That means wearing
a headphone anyplace else is prohibited (like running outside.) In a
recent 60 Minutes interview with General McCrystal in Afghanistan, the
general pointed out that he starts his day with a run around the base
WEARING HEADPHONES. So much for that General Order 1A rule! Anyway,
if you're a general, you can disregard that rule (or you can just wear
a hat, that works too!) The pic above is me as I go running. I
always wear a hat (see above) and I've started running now with a flak
jacket to increase my endurance. I'm not sure yet if it's working but
after a few miles I sure feel it.



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