Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Friday, May 14, 2010

051410 Bodybuilders are short so they can accentuate the size of their...trophy!

051410 Bodybuilders are short so they can accentuate the size of their...trophy!

At JBB this last weekend there was a bb (that's Body Building!)
contest. I knew one of the contestants (the guy with the pics and the
severely pierced ears). But DANG, I didn't recognize him at the show
since he was all globbed up with the tanning stuff and had a weird
hair-do (he usually wears a hat though.) Otherwise it was uh
'interesting'. If you ever want to feel tall, just go to a body
building contest. The commander handing out a trophy in one of the
pics is maybe 6'2 max, but she sure seems to tower over the guy to
whom she's giving the trophy.
This last week was also the first week where every (dang) day was over
100+. It'll be this way until mid September or so.


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