Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

040110 Living at a small FOB

040110 Living at a small FOB

Above are a few pics that show some of the other aspects of a life at
a FOB. One pic is my bed while at Kalsu and another is me standing in
the housing area. One of the pics is the 'food court' where you can
get a Pizza
Hut pizza or a cup of Green Beans coffee. The other pic of me under
the tarp is at the APOD (air terminal) at
Kalsu. Finally, there is no sewer system at the FOBs (or for that
matter at Balad either.) When you flush the toilet the waste water
goes to a 'black water' tank. From there it is moved via taker trucks
to 'ponds' on
the edge of or outside of camp where evaporation and algae do their
job. Potable water is in different tanks
and generally (of course) is heavily chlorinated. As you can see it's
a Spartan-sorta life.


  • At 1:56 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hey there a way to email you? Lonnie from Austin


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