Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Friday, March 26, 2010

032610 Traveling in

032610 Traveling in

Every now and then I travel to different sites in Iraq. Usually I
travel to do server maintenance or training. Traveling in Iraq is not
generally a pleasurable. Sure you get away and go see different
things but honestly, one base in Iraq looks about like any other base
in Iraq. To travel to the smaller FOBs (Forward Operating Bases) we
travel via helo (affectionately called Catfish Air). On the first day
of 'trying' to get to FOB Kalsu the weather was too dusty (see pic
above with me outside in the blue shirt). Now honestly it's really
not that dusty but since the Air Force runs air ops, they tell the
Army helo pilots it's 'too dusty' to fly. So, on day one, I sat
around at the Catfish Air terminal all day and watched TV and read my
Seattle Times Sunday paper. Fortunately, there is a Green
Beans Coffee nearby (pic above) enclosed in T-walls so it wasn't such
a bad day. Just in Iraq can sure suck.


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