Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Friday, April 09, 2010

040910 Mine is bigger (and better) than yours

040910 "Mine is bigger (and better) than yours"

Competition and (in general) other hyper-masculine traits are not in
short here at Balad (or for that matter all military bases here in
Iraq.) You can see this at the gym and at work and for the most part,
it's all in good form. But like two neighbors vying for the best lawn
in suburbia America, I've noticed a similar bit of competition here
between the 1st and 2nd Battalion Commanders.

A while back ago, the 1st Battalion Commander got a gazebo for the
porch area and short afterward There was a similar structure at the
2nd Battalion. Next came a 'sun porch' (or tarp) at the 1st Battalion
and later the 2nd Battalion put up a nice steel porch. The other day I
noticed a gargantuan BBQ at 2nd Battalion (seriously - it has a
counter weight for the lid and could cook a whole cow!) that REALLY
puts to shame the 1st Battalion BBQ (which looks like a tetanus shot
in waiting!)

Anyway, see for yourself (pics above)

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