Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

061610 How hot is it anyways ('bama speak)?

061610 How hot is it anyways ('bama speak)?
If you've ever been to Las Vegas when it is 110F outside you know it's
really not 'that bad' since it is a 'dry heat'. And if you've ever
been to Singapore in August (I have) when it is 99F out AND 99%
humidity you know how bad that is even though it's not over 100F.
Well, at 123F, it's hot whether it's a dry heat or not. The rocks on
the ground are even hotter as I found out with a IR sensor the other
day (they registered 130F). If you walk by a t-wall at night you can
still feel the radient heat long after it's dark. And Lord you have
to be careful touching any metal that is outside during the heat of
the day. So how hot is it in Iraq??? Damn hot!
And yes, proper English would be 'how hot is it any way?' However
this is Iraq and most people here are from south of the Mason-Dixon
line and...when in to speak. So 'oil' and 'tire' are now
one-syllable words. And it's 'how hot is it anyways?'
Such is life in Iraq.


  • At 7:45 PM, Anonymous earlster - camp slayer said…

    Howdy Chris, and I can atest to the heat. couple weeks ago the power was out in our quad, and it been out since noon. At 1600 I went to the CHU to change and it was a freakin sauna. After my exercise, I returned and power has not been restored - seem the generator blew and required a replacment. I was forced to leave and hangout at the coffee shop unitl around 2100 the power was back on. Its hot out here 122 in the sun and 108 in the shade.


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