Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Thursday, June 17, 2010

061710 I'm sorry, I cannot call you. There is bad weather in Austria.

061710 I'm sorry, I cannot call you. There is bad weather in Austria.

The last few days have been fairly dusty but today it's a little
clearer. Probably not clear enough to go running at noon but
certainly better than the last few days.
When I was in the US Navy 20 years ago a personal letter was about the
only means of communication off the ship to the real world. Today
from this 'ship in the desert' (JBB Iraq) there are a myriad of
communication avenues but with this progress comes new dependencies.
So far this morning our internet connection here has been severely
degraded and so I cannot check the server status on machines at other
bases. Also the phones here are all VOIP (voice over internet
protocol) so no calling or receiving calls from the states for a
while. All of this is because there is bad weather in Austria. Who
would have thunk it!? Another hub of concern is northern New Jersey.
Bad weather in northern New Jersey means no communications in Iraq.
In fact I've been told that the connection between here in Iraq and
the states 'hits' a dozen or so intermediary sites. So if you can't
call me (or anyone else in Iraq check the weather in Austria, or
northern New Jersey or...


  • At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wierd--I thought one of the things about Internet technology was that it was resilient, and there was not single point of failure. Unless the Army does something different. On the public Internet, if something goes down, the whole network doesn't go down, it just gets slower (unless you're some where where there's only a single connection).


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