Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Sunday, May 04, 2008

05May08 Lawn update, warm, sunny day in Iraq

05May08 Lawn update, warm, sunny day in Iraq

When it's not ridiculously hot or dusty here in Iraq, the weather can
really be quite nice, such as today. Below is a current pic of the
lawn. So far it's doing well and really looks/smells great when
freshly mowed. At times the verdant slash of green seems out of place
in an otherwise brown, dusty environment. During the day here it's
only about 105f to 108F so we'll see how the lawn fares in the 120F
heat that has yet to come.

The other pic shows me inside the compound. Areas within the base are
fenced off for security reasons (thus the fence). The big hose is
fresh water. Many utilities here (like water and electricity) are not
below ground but right on top or over it. If this base is ever made
permanent, then these utilities would be buried. But for now, they're


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