062608b Anaconda is now officially Balad and the Indoor Pool
Camp Anaconda is officially now an Air Base and so the Air Force gets
naming rights. Now all along the AF has always referre to Anaconada
as Balad (and the Army vice versa). It's like waking up and being
told that those nuts you've been eating are now called 'Brazilian
nuts' and not... Well, if you're old enough you know what they used to
be called. So Balad Air Base (hereafter referred to just as Balad)
has two pools her here are some pics of the indoor pool. The Army/Air
Force has done a great job at providing some really great services
here at Balad and the indoor pool is great example. The outdoor poor
is twice as big and I'll have to get some pics too. Also it's getting
hot. Everyday now it's about 110F. It'll continue to get hotter. Eh,
it sucks yes. I was at the PX the other day and noticed some
chocolate covered peanuts in plastic bags. I picked up a few an felt
only one clump inside. Obviously someone didn't think twice about
shipping chocolate covered peanuts to Iraq in summer. A few years
back a coworker received a large chocolate bar in the mail. Basically
all the oils in the chocolate bar had been cooked out and what was
left was a lousey tasting powdery mess (but still in the rough shape
of the original chocolate bar). We threw it out.
So here are some pics of the pool and also a pic of sunrise that I'd
thought I'd throw in.
At 3:17 AM,
Thumper (Mark) said…
Nice facility. Kinda looks like a gym I used to use back in Minneapolis. And, yes... I do remember what we used to call Brazil nuts....
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