032809 More of what life is like in Iraq
032809 More of what life is like in Iraq
Living on a base in Iraq is pretty much like a small town (only generally it's hot and dry and there are lots of T-walls). So to further answer the question of what life is like here, I've attached a few more pics. The pics with the covered sitting area is the food court. There is a Popey's, Burger King, Subway and a tailor shop next to the Subway that does any sewing you need as well as flags or unit guide-ons (sort of a squadron flag). The big building with the t walls around it and a hard 'top' of kevlar is the PX. This is the 'general store' and they sell anything and everything in there. It's run by AAFES which runs all the PX stores for the military world wide. The hardend roof is kevlar and the building is pretty much impervious to mortar rounds. The Green Beans is essentially a Starbucks and pretty much looks like it (on the inside) too. And yes, one must be careful with weapons near the glass case.
At 5:14 AM,
Bernie said…
what is a "T-wall" ?
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