Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Friday, June 18, 2010

061810 The Saints (cheerleaders) are in Iraq

061810 The Saints (cheerleaders) are in Iraq

At Balad there are all sorts of visitors to Balad, Iraq here that come
from the states. About a year back the Speaker of the House (Nancy
Pelosi) was here. Of course that visit was an official visit but the
USO routinely schedules 'moral' visitors (coaches, B-TV star, comics,
entertainers, WWF wrestlers) and even Cheerleaders. From what I've
seen and heard, the coaches and entertainers and even WWF wrestlers
are allowed to 'talk'. That is they get a mic and can say what
inspirational words they might want to say. Cheerleaders do not get
to talk. They are introduced and get paraded around and might say
'hi' but that seems to be about it. I'm not sure if it's a good thing
or not. But like alot of things in Iraq, it is what it is. Above are
some pics. Whoop-di do...


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