Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

082510 Dang I've been procrastinating and then some...

082510 Dang I've been procrastinating and then some...
Sometimes it's tough to keep up a blog.  You never know what to put in there or what people might want to see.  Also I had to do some traveling to get my eyes checked and my sinus/nose checked.  It was of course, good news and bad new.  My nose/sinus is OK but my eyes are bad. 
Part of my trip took me to Tallil AB (air base) where I 'smoked the hooka'.  Typically flavored tobacco is smoked in the hooka, but you can put about anything you want to smoke.  The hooka bar is outside a restaurant on Tallil and I've included a few pics of the outdoor patio as well as the inside of the restaurant (and me smoking the hooka.)  It pretty much looks like a sports bar.  They sell a lamb chop dinner which frankly is very good. 
The 'spots' in the pictures are dust in the air.  It's always so dang dusty here, except for maybe the winter (wet season).
As a contractor here we work per a contract with the US Army and the contract is usually October to October.  The current contract will end the 1st of October and we've been told that the contact will be extended another year. So that will take me up to Oct 2011 BUT the Army can certainly change things at a whim.  The re-deployment of 'combat troops' in Iraq has not changed things that much here at JBB (Joint Base Balad).  
Well, I'll try to post more often going forward.  Thanks for checking my blog.


  • At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Phew. It's always good to see you post anything, to know that you're still alive over there!
    cheers ~


  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    My brother got one of those hooka pipes last year. His wife makes him use it in the garage. lol

    Take care over there, bro!


  • At 1:31 PM, Blogger Bernie said…

    The idea of a "sports bar / hookah lounge" combined into one venue is making my head spin. Thanks for the pix. Dang, it has got to be VERY dusty there... the photos look like you've got crap smeared all over the lens of your camera.

    Good to see your update Chris. Keep your head down.


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