Chris in Iraq

Chris in Iraq

Friday, December 25, 2009

122509 Christmas in Iraq...again

122509 Christmas in Iraq...again
Today is my 4th Christmas in Iraq. And nothing says traditional
Christmas dinner like 10 lobsters for lunch! (but in my defense they
are small lobsters) The holiday meals in Iraq and Afghanistan are a
big deal and the Army does a great job at ensuring, that for that day,
a great meal is served. There was of course turkey and prime rib as
well as mashed potatoes, yams, cranberries, etc. But my favorite is
lobster! Presentation is also important and the DFAC crew (mostly
Pakistanis and Indians) bake many cakes that are just for presentation
or will carve fruit or will make a paper-mache manger scene. Overall
it's a very nice meal and sets the tone for the day. All soldiers,
DACs (Department of the Army Civilians) and contractors eat at the
same place.
Fortunately too there was no incoming so there was no bunker time
(which is always a good thing.)
Also the weather here at Balad is pretty dern nice right now. Sunny,
warm (70s) and clear is surely a great way to enjoy Christmas.