060710 Dusty but not a 'hot hot' day and 'My bike is back!'
Today it's a very dusty day here at Balad. We've had great weather
the last week or so (clear blue skies). But with the clear blue skies
comes the heat. The other day it was 123F. Today it's VERY dusty and
noticeably cooler. We may not even break 100F today!
Also my bike was stolen about a week ago. I left it unlocked for
MAYBE 15 minutes when I went to the DFAC and BAM, it was gone. I
mentioned the theft to several people asking them to keep a lookout
for it and the other day someone came back from the DFAC and said a
bike matching the description of my bike was over at the DFAC. I
jumped in the car and went over there and BAM, there it was. So...I
'stole' it back! The theft hadn't even bothered to cut off my old
lock but I sure did cut his lock off right away.
Anyway, here are some pics of life around Balad that were posted on
the shared drive. They show what goes on around here. It's
certainly not exciting work but it needs to be done. Parts of Balad
will soon be turned over to the Iraq Army by the end of the year. So
while there are a few Iraq Army personnel on base now, by the end of
this year there'll be many more.